2024 November |
Beehive: A Flexible Network Stack for Direct-Attached Accelerators.
IEEE/ACM Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO). abstract pdf
Direct-attached accelerators, where application accelerators are directly connected to the datacenter network via a hardware network stack, offer substantial benefits in terms of reduced latency, CPU overhead, and energy use. However, a key challenge is that modern datacenter network stacks are complex, with interleaved protocol layers, network management functions, and virtualization support. To operators, network feature agility, diagnostics, and manageability are often considered just as important as raw performance. By contrast, existing hardware network stacks only support basic protocols and are often difficult to extend since they use fixed processing pipelines. We propose Beehive, a new, open-source FPGA network stack for direct-attached accelerators designed to enable flexible and adaptive construction of complex network functionality in hardware. Application and network protocol elements are modularized as tiles over a network-on-chip substrate. Elements can be added or scaled up/down to match workload characteristics with minimal effort or changes to other elements. Flexible diagnostics and control are integral, with tooling to ensure deadlock safety. Our implementation interoperates with standard Linux TCP and UDP clients, with a 4x improvement in end-to-end RPC tail latency for Linux UDP clients versus a CPU-attached accelerator. Beehive is available at [Github](https://github.com/beehive-fpga/beehive)
2023 October |
Cornflakes: Zero-copy Serialization for Microsecond-scale Networking.
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP). abstract pdf
Data serialization is critical for many datacenter applications, but the memory copies required to move application data into packets are costly. Recent zero-copy APIs expose NIC scatter-gather capabilities, raising the possibility of offloading this data movement to the NIC. However, as the memory coordination required for scatter-gather adds bookkeeping overhead, scatter-gather is not always useful. We describe Cornflakes, a hybrid serialization library stack that uses scatter-gather for serialization when it improves performance and falls back to memory copies otherwise. We have implemented Cornflakes within a UDP and TCP networking stack, across Mellanox and Intel NICs. On a Twitter cache trace, Cornflakes achieves 15.4% higher throughput than prior software approaches on a custom key-value store and 8.8% higher throughput than Redis serialization within Redis.
2023 August |
Capybara: Microsecond-Scale Live TCP Migration.
ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys). abstract pdf
Latency-critical us-scale data center applications are susceptible to server load spikes. The issue is particularly challenging for services using long-lived TCP connections. This paper introduces Capybara, a highly efficient and versatile live TCP migration system. Capybara builds atop a deterministic, kernel-bypassed TCP stack running in a library OS to realize its us-scale TCP migration mechanism. Using modern programmable switches, Capybara implements migration-aware dynamic packet forwarding and transient packet buffering, further reducing system interference during live TCP migration. Capybara can transparently migrate a running TCP connection in 4 us on average. It improves the average migration host latency by about 12 times compared to a Linux kernel-based solution.
2022 July |
Treehouse: A Case For Carbon-Aware Datacenter Software.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Sustainable Computer Systems Design and Implementation (HotCarbon). abstract pdf
The end of Dennard scaling and the slowing of Moore's Law has put the energy use of datacenters on an unsustainable path. Datacenters are already a significant fraction of worldwide electricity use, with application demand scaling at a rapid rate. We argue that substantial reductions in the carbon intensity of datacenter computing are possible with a software-centric approach: by making energy and carbon visible to application developers on a fine-grained basis, by modifying system APIs to make it possible to make informed trade offs between performance and carbon emissions, and by raising the level of application programming to allow for flexible use of more energy efficient means of compute and storage. We also lay out a research agenda for systems software to reduce the carbon footprint of datacenter computing.
2021 October |
The Demikernel Datapath OS Architecture for Microsecond-scale Datacenter Systems.
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP). abstract pdf talk code
Datacenter systems and I/O devices now run at single-digit microsecond latencies, requiring ns-scale operating systems. Traditional kernel-based operating systems impose an unaffordable overhead, so recent kernel-bypass OSes and libraries eliminate the OS kernel from the I/O datapath. However, none of these systems offer a general-purpose datapath OS replacement that meet the needs of us-scale systems. This paper proposes Demikernel, a flexible datapath OS and architecture designed for heterogenous kernel-bypass devices and us-scale datacenter systems. We build two prototype Demikernel OSes and show that minimal effort is needed to port existing us-scale systems. Once ported, Demikernel lets applications run across heterogenous kernel-bypass devices with ns-scale overheads and no code changes.
2021 October |
When Idling is Ideal: Optimizing Tail-Latency for Highly-Dispersed Datacenter Workloads with Persephone.
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP). abstract pdf code
This paper introduces Persephone, a kernel-bypass OS scheduler designed to minimize tail latency for applications executing at microsecond-scale and exhibiting wide service time distributions. Persephone integrates a new scheduling policy, Dynamic Application-aware Reserved Cores (DARC), that reserves cores for requests with short processing times. Unlike existing kernel-bypass schedulers, DARC is not work conserving. DARC profiles application requests and leaves a small number of cores idle when no short requests are in the queue, so when short requests do arrive, they are not blocked by longer-running ones. Counter-intuitively, leaving cores idle lets DARC maintain lower tail latencies at higher utilization, reducing the overall number of cores needed to serve the same workloads and consequently better utilizing the data center resources.
2021 October |
PRISM: Rethinking the RDMA Interface for Distributed Systems.
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP). abstract pdf talk
Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) has been used to accelerate a variety of distributed systems, by providing low-latency, CPU-bypassing access to a remote host's memory. However, most of the distributed protocols used in these systems cannot easily be expressed in terms of the simple memory READs and WRITEs provided by RDMA. As a result, designers face a choice between introducing additional protocol complexity (e.g., additional round trips) or forgoing the benefits of RDMA entirely. This paper argues that an extension to the RDMA interface can resolve this dilemma. We introduce the PRISM interface, which extends the RDMA interface with four new primitives: indirection, allocation, enhanced compare-and-swap, and operation chaining. These increase the expressivity of the RDMA interface, while still being implementable using the same underlying hardware features. We show their utility by designing three new applications using PRISM primitives, that require little to no server-side CPU involvement: (1) PRISM-KV, a key-value store; (2) PRISM-RS a replicated block store; and (3) PRISM-TX, a distributed transaction protocol. Using a software-based implementation of the PRISM primitives, we show that these systems outperform prior RDMA-based equivalents.
2021 June |
Breakfast of Champions: Towards Zero-Copy Serialization with NIC Scatter-Gather.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS). abstract pdf talk
Microsecond I/O will make data serialization a major bottleneck for datacenter applications. Serialization is fundamentally about data movement: serialization libraries coalesce and flatten in-memory data structures into a single transmittable buffer. CPU-based serialization approaches will hit a performance limit due to data movement overheads and be unable to keep up with modern networks. We observe that widely deployed NICs possess scatter-gather capabilities that can be re-purposed to accelerate serialization's core task of coalescing and flattening in-memory data structures. It is possible to build a completely zero-copy, zero-allocation serialization library with commodity NICs. Doing so introduces many research challenges, including using the hardware capabilities efficiently for a wide variety of non-uniform data structures, making application memory available for zero-copy I/O, and ensuring memory safety.
2020 December |
Talek: Private Group Messaging with Hidden Access Patterns.
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC). abstract pdf
Talek is a private group messaging system that sends messages through potentially untrustworthy servers, while hiding both data content and the communication patterns among its users. Talek explores a new point in the design space of private messaging; it guarantees access sequence indistinguishability, which is among the strongest guarantees in the space, while assuming an anytrust threat model, which is only slightly weaker than the strongest threat model currently found in related work. Our results suggest that this is a pragmatic point in the design space, since it supports strong privacy and good performance: we demonstrate a 3-server Talek cluster that achieves throughput of 9,433 messages/second for 32,000 active users with 1.7-second end-to-end latency. To achieve its security goals without coordination between clients, Talek relies on information-theoretic private information retrieval. To achieve good performance and minimize server-side storage, Talek introduces new techniques and optimizations that may be of independent interest, e.g., a novel use of blocked cuckoo hashing and support for private notifications. The latter provide a private, efficient mechanism for users to learn, without polling, which logs have new messages.
2020 November |
Persistent State Machines for Recoverable In-memory Storage Systems with NVRam.
Proceedings of the USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI). abstract pdf talk
Distributed in-memory storage systems are crucial for meeting the low latency requirements of modern datacenter services. However, they lose all state on failure, so recovery is expensive and data loss is always a risk. Persistent memory (PM) offers the possibility of building fast, persistent in-memory storage; however, existing PM systems are built from scratch or require heavy modification of existing systems. To rectify these problems, this paper presents Persimmon, a PM-based system that converts existing distributed in-memory storage systems into persistent, crash-consistent versions with low overhead and minimal code changes.
2020 July |
Securing RDMA for High-Performance Datacenter Storage Systems.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud). abstract pdf
RDMA is increasingly popular for low-latency communication in datacenters, marking a major change in how we build distributed systems. Unfortunately, as we pursue significant system re-designs inspired by new technology, we have not given equal thought to the consequences for system security. This paper investigates security issues introduced to datacenter systems by switching to RDMA and challenges in building secure RDMA systems. These challenges include changes in RPC reliability guarantees and unauditable data-accesses. We show how RDMA's design makes it challenging to build secure storage systems by analyzing recent research systems; then we outline several directions for solutions and future research, with the goal of securing RDMA datacenter systems while they are still in the research and prototype stages.
2020 July |
End the Senseless Killing: Improving Memory Management for Mobile Operating Systems.
Proceedings of the USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC). abstract pdf talk
To ensure low-latency memory allocation, mobile operating systems needing memory kill applications instead of swapping memory to disk. This design choice shifts the burden of managing over-utilized memory to application programmers, requiring them to constantly checkpoint their application state to disk. This paper presents Marvin, a new memory manager for mobile platforms that efficiently supports swapping while meeting the strict performance requirements of mobile apps. Marvin's swap-enabled language runtime is co-designed with OS-level memory management to avoid common pitfalls of traditional swap mechanisms. Its three key features include: (1) a new swap mechanism, called ahead-of-time (AOT) swap, which pre-writes memory to disk, then harvests it quickly when needed, (2) a modified bookmarking garbage collector that avoids swapping in unused memory, and (3) an object-granularity working set estimator. Our experiments show that Marvin can run more than 2x as many concurrent apps as Android, and that Marvin can reclaim memory over 60x faster than Android with a Linux swap file can allocate memory under memory pressure.
2020 April |
Meerkat: Multicore-scalable Replicated Transactions Following the Zero-Coordination Principle.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Systems (Eurosys). abstract pdf talk
Traditionally, the high cost of network communication between servers has hidden the impact of cross-core coordination in replicated systems. However, new technologies, like kernel-bypass networking and faster network links, have exposed hidden bottlenecks in distributed systems. This paper explores how to build multicore-scalable, replicated storage systems. We introduce a new guideline for their design, called the Zero-Coordination Principle. We use this principle to design a new multicore-scalable, in-memory, replicated, key-value store, called Meerkat. Unlike existing systems, Meerkat eliminates all cross-core and cross-replica coordination, both of which pose a scalability bottleneck. Our experiments found that Meerkat is able to scale up to 80 hyper-threads and execute 8.3 million transactions per second. Meerkat represents an improvement of 12x on state-of-the art, fault-tolerant, in-memory, transactional storage systems built using leader-based replication and a shared transaction log.
2020 March |
Efficient and Portable Virtual NVMe Storage on ARM SoCs.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS). abstract pdf talk
Today's cloud storage stack is extremely resource hungry, burning 10-20% of datacenter x86 cores, a major "storage tax" that cloud providers must pay. Yet complex cloud storage stack is not completely offload ready to today's I/O accelerators. We present Leap, a new cloud storage stack that leverages ARM-based co-processors to offload complex storage services. Leap addresses many deployment challenges such as hardware fungibility, software portability, virtualizability, composability, and efficiency, with a set of OS/software techniques and new hardware properties that provide a uniform address space across the x86 and ARM cores and expose a virtual NVMe storage to unmodified guest VMs, with a competitive speed to bare-metal performance.
2019 December |
Hercules: A Multi-View Cache for Real-Time Interactive Apps.
Technical Report UW-CSE-2019-12-01, University of Washington. abstract pdf
Existing distributed storage systems do not meet the needs of real-time interactive apps. These apps feature small groups of users making concurrent modifications, tight responsiveness bounds, and wide-area distribution. As a result, they need a storage system that provides simultaneous access to multiple versions of shared state, where the versions trade off consistency and staleness, and there are versions representing the extreme ends of the consistency/staleness spectrum. We present Hercules, a distributed storage system that meets these needs using client-side caching. Hercules uses batching to preserve performance in high-throughput scenarios and includes recovery protocols to maintain liveness in the face of client-side failures. We experimentally evaluate Hercules's performance and failure tolerance, and we present a set of example apps that demonstrate the versatility of Hercules's programming model.
2019 December |
A.M.B.R.O.S.I.A: Providing Performant Virtual Resiliency for Distributed Applications.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB). abstract pdf
When writing today's distributed programs, which frequently span both devices and cloud services, programmers are faced with complex decisions and coding tasks around coping with failure, especially when these distributed components are stateful. If their application can be cast as pure data processing, they benefit from the past 40-50 years of work from the database community, which has shown how declarative database systems can completely isolate the developer from the possibility of failure in a performant manner. Unfortunately, while there have been some attempts at bringing similar functionality into the more general distributed programming space, a compelling general-purpose system must handle non-determinism, be performant, support a variety of machine types with varying resiliency goals, and be language agnostic, allowing distributed components written in different languages to communicate. This paper introduces the first system, Ambrosia, to satisfy all these requirements. We coin the term "virtual resiliency", analogous to virtual memory, for the platform feature which allows failure oblivious code to run in a failure resilient manner. We also introduce a programming construct, the "impulse", which resiliently handles non-deterministic information originating from outside the resilient component. Of further interest to our community is the effective reapplication of much database performance optimization technology to make Ambrosia more performant than many of today's non-resilient cloud solutions.
2019 July |
Just In Time Delivery: Leveraging Operating Systems Knowledge for Better Datacenter Congestion Control.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud). abstract pdf
Network links and server CPUs are heavily contended resources in modern datacenters. To keep tail latencies low, datacenter operators drastically overprovision both types of resources today, and there has been significant research into effectively managing network traffic and CPU load. However, all of this work looks at the two resources in isolation. In this paper, we make the observation that, in the datacenter, the allocation of network and CPU resources should be co-designed for the most efficiency and the best response times. For example, while congestion control protocols can prioritize traffic from certain flows, it is wasted work if the traffic arrives at an overloaded server that will only enqueue the request. Likewise, allocating more CPU resources to an application will not improve its performance if network congestion is causing a bottleneck in its requests. This paper explores the potential benefits of such a co-designed resource allocator and considers the recent work in both CPU scheduling and congestion control that is best suited to such a system. We propose a Chimera, a new datacenter OS that integrates a receiver-based congestion control protocol with OS insight into application queues, using the recent Shenango operating system.
2019 May |
I'm Not Dead Yet! The Role of the Operating System in a Kernel-Bypass Era.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS). abstract pdf
Researchers have long predicted the demise of the operating system. As datacenter servers increasingly incorporate I/O devices that let applications bypass the OS kernel (e.g., RDMA and DPDK network devices or SPDK storage devices), this prediction may finally come true. While kernel-bypass devices do eliminate the OS kernel from the I/O path, they do not handle the kernel's most important job: offering higher-level abstractions. This paper argues for a new high-level, device-agnostic I/O abstraction for kernel-bypass devices. We propose the Demikernel, a new library OS architecture for kernel-bypass devices. It defines a high-level, kernel-bypass I/O abstraction and provides user-space library OSes to implement that abstraction across a range of kernel-bypass devices. The Demikernel makes applications easier to build, portable across devices, and unmodified as devices continue to evolve.
2019 April |
End the Senseless Killing: Improving Memory Management for Mobile Operating Systems.
Technical Report UW-CSE-2019-04-01, University of Washington. abstract pdf
To ensure low-latency memory allocation, mobile operating systems needing memory kill applications instead of swapping memory to disk. This design choice shifts the burden of managing over-utilized memory to application programmers, requiring them to constantly checkpoint their application state to disk. This paper presents Marvin, a new memory manager for mobile platforms that efficiently supports swapping while meeting the strict performance requirements of mobile apps. Marvin's swap-enabled language runtime is co-designed with OS-level memory management to avoid common pitfalls of traditional swap mechanisms. Its three key features include: (1) a new swap mechanism, called ahead-of-time (AOT) swap, which pre-writes memory to disk, then harvests it quickly when needed, (2) a modified bookmarking garbage collector that avoids swapping in unused memory, and (3) an object-granularity working set estimator. Our experiments show that Marvin can run more than 2x as many concurrent apps as Android, and that Marvin can reclaim memory over 60x faster than Android with a Linux swap file can allocate memory under memory pressure.
2018 December |
Building Consistent Transactions with Inconsistent Replication.
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS). abstract pdf code
Application programmers increasingly prefer distributed storage systems with distributed transactions and strong consistency (e.g., Google's Spanner) for their strong guarantees and ease of use. Unfortunately, existing transactional storage systems are expensive to use because they rely on expensive replication protocols like Paxos for fault-tolerance. In this paper, we take a new approach to make transactional storage systems more affordable; we eliminate consistency from the replication protocol, while still providing distributed transactions with strong consistency to applications. This paper presents TAPIR -- the Transaction Application Protocol for Inconsistent Replication -- the first transaction protocol to use a replication protocol, inconsistent replication, that provides fault-tolerance with no consistency. By enforcing strong consistency only in the transaction protocol, TAPIR is able to commit transactions in a single round-trip and schedule distributed transactions with no centralized coordination. We demonstrate the use of TAPIR in TAPIR-KV, a key-value store that provides high-performance transactional storage. Compared to system using conventional transaction protocols that require replication with strong consistency, TAPIR-KV has 2x better latency and throughput.
2018 April |
Making Consistency More Consistent: A Unified Model for Coherence, Consistency and Isolation.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data (PaPoC). abstract pdf
Ordering guarantees are often defined using abstract execution models. Unfortunately, these models are complex and make different assumptions about system semantics. As a result, researchers find it impossible to compare the ordering guarantees of coherence, consistency and isolation. This paper presents a simple, unified model for defining ordering guarantees that is sufficiently general to model a wide range of systems, including processor memory, distributed storage, and databases. We define a new single constraint relationship, result visibility, which formalizes the ``appears to execute before'' relationship between operations. Using only result visibility, we define more than 20 ordering guarantees from different research areas, including PRAM, snapshot isolation and eventual consistency session guarantees. To our knowledge, these definitions form the broadest survey of ordering guarantees using a single constraint in the current literature.
2017 October |
Towards a Flexible, High-Performance Operating System for Mobile/Cloud Applications.
Ph.D. thesis, University of Washington. abstract pdf
The convergence of ubiquitous mobile devices, large-scale cloud platforms and pervasive network connectivity have changed the face of modern user applications. Unlike a traditional desktop application, which runs on a single machine and supports a single user, the typical user-facing application today spans numerous mobile devices and cloud servers while supporting large numbers of users. This shift significantly increased the difficulty of building new user applications. Programmers must now confront challenges introduced by distributed deployment (e.g., partial failures), new mobile/cloud application features (e.g., reactivity), and new mobile/cloud requirements (e.g., scalability). This thesis proposes a new type of mobile/cloud operating system designed to meet the evolving needs of modern applications. Mobile/cloud applications are the standard applications of the future; thus, they deserve a first-class operating system that simplifies their development and run-time management. Our key contribution is the design, implementation and evaluation of three systems that together form the basis for a new mobile/cloud operating system: (1) Sapphire, a new distributed run-time and process management system, (2) Diamond, a new distributed memory management system, and (3) TAPIR, a new distributed storage system. Each system introduces new operating systems abstractions and mechanisms designed to eliminate the challenges and simplify the development of mobile/cloud applications. We demonstrate that, like operating systems of the past, these systems make it easier for programmers to build bigger and more complex applications.
2016 November |
Automating Data Management for Wide-area, Reactive Applications.
Proceedings of the USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI). abstract pdf talk code
Users of today's popular wide-area apps (e.g., Twitter, Google Docs, and Words with Friends) must no longer save and reload when updating shared data; instead, these applications are reactive, providing the illusion of continuous synchronization across mobile devices and the cloud. Achieving this illusion poses a complex distributed data management problem for programmers. This paper presents the first reactive data management service, called Diamond, which provides persistent cloud storage, reliable synchronization between storage and mobile devices, and automated execution of application code in response to shared data updates. We demonstrate that Diamond greatly simplifies the design of reactive applications, strengthens distributed data sharing guarantees, and supports automated reactivity with low performance overhead.
2016 October |
Disciplined Inconsistency.
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC). abstract pdf code
Distributed applications and web services, such as online stores or social networks, are expected to be scalable, available, responsive, and fault-tolerant. To meet these steep requirements in the face of high round-trip latencies, network partitions, server failures, and load spikes, applications use eventually consistent datastores that allow them to weaken the consistency of some data. However, making this transition is highly error-prone because relaxed consistency models are notoriously difficult to understand and test. In this work, we propose a new programming model for distributed data that makes consistency properties explicit and uses a type system to enforce consistency safety. With the Inconsistent, Performance-bound, Approximate (IPA) storage system, programmers specify performance targets and correctness requirements as constraints on persistent data structures and handle uncertainty about the result of datastore reads using new consistency types. We implement a prototype of this model in Scala on top of an existing datastore, Cassandra, and use it to make performance/correctness tradeoffs in two applications: a ticket sales service and a Twitter clone. Our evaluation shows that IPA prevents consistency-based programming errors and adapts consistency automatically in response to changing network conditions, performing comparably to weak consistency and 2-10x faster than strong consistency.
2016 March |
When Is Operation Ordering Required in Replicated Transactional Storage?.
IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin. abstract pdf
Today's replicated transactional storage systems typically have a layered architecture, combining protocols for transaction coordination, consistent replication, and concurrency control. These systems generally require costly strongly-consistent replication protocols like Paxos, which assign a total order to all operations. To avoid this cost, we ask whether all replicated operations in these systems need to be strictly ordered. Recent research has yielded replication protocols that can avoid unnecessary ordering, e.g., by exploiting commutative operations, but it is not clear how to apply these to replicated transaction processing systems. We answer this question by analyzing existing transaction processing designs in terms of which replicated operations require ordering and which simply require fault tolerance. We describe how this analysis leads to our recent work on TAPIR, a transaction protocol that efficiently provides strict serializability by using a new replication protocol that provides fault tolerance but not ordering for most operations.
2015 November |
Arrakis: The Operating System is the Control Plane.
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS). abstract pdf code
Recent device hardware trends enable a new approach to the design of network server operating systems. In a traditional operating system, the kernel mediates access to device hardware by server applications to enforce process isolation as well as network and disk security. We have designed and implemented a new operating system, Arrakis, that splits the traditional role of the kernel in two. Applications have direct access to virtualized I/O devices, allowing most I/O operations to skip the kernel entirely, while the kernel is re-engineered to provide network and disk protection without kernel mediation of every operation. We describe the hardware and software changes needed to take advantage of this new abstraction, and we illustrate its power by showing improvements of 2 to 5x in latency and 9x throughput for a popular persistent NoSQL store relative to a well-tuned Linux implementation.
2015 October |
Building Consistent Transactions with Inconsistent Replication.
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP). abstract pdf talk code
Application programmers increasingly prefer distributed storage systems with distributed transactions and strong consistency (e.g., Google's Spanner) for their strong guarantees and ease of use. Unfortunately, existing transactional storage systems are expensive to use because they rely on expensive replication protocols like Paxos for fault-tolerance. In this paper, we take a new approach to make transactional storage systems more affordable; we eliminate consistency from the replication protocol, while still providing distributed transactions with strong consistency to applications. This paper presents TAPIR -- the Transaction Application Protocol for Inconsistent Replication -- the first transaction protocol to use a replication protocol, inconsistent replication, that provides fault-tolerance with no consistency. By enforcing strong consistency only in the transaction protocol, TAPIR is able to commit transactions in a single round-trip and schedule distributed transactions with no centralized coordination. We demonstrate the use of TAPIR in TAPIR-KV, a key-value store that provides high-performance transactional storage. Compared to system using conventional transaction protocols that require replication with strong consistency, TAPIR-KV has 2x better latency and throughput.
2015 October |
Building Consistent Transactions with Inconsistent Replication (Extended Version).
Technical Report UW-CSE-2014-12-01 v2, University of Washington. abstract pdf code
Application programmers increasingly prefer distributed storage systems with strong consistency and distributed transactions (e.g., Google's Spanner) for their strong guarantees and ease of use. Unfortunately, existing transactional storage systems are expensive to use -- in part because they require costly replication protocols, like Paxos, for fault tolerance. In this paper, we present a new approach that makes transactional storage systems more affordable: we eliminate consistency from the replication protocol while still providing distributed transactions with strong consistency to applications. <p> We present TAPIR -- the Transactional Application Protocol for Inconsistent Replication -- the first transaction protocol to use a novel replication protocol, called inconsistent replication, that provides fault tolerance without consistency. By enforcing strong consistency only in the transaction protocol, TAPIR can commit transactions in a single round-trip and order distributed transactions without centralized coordination. We demonstrate the use of TAPIR in a transactional key-value store, TAPIR-KV. Compared to conventional systems, TAPIR-KV provides better latency and throughput.
2015 April |
Claret: Using Data Types for Highly Concurrent Distributed Transactions.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data (PaPoC). abstract pdf
Out of the many NoSQL databases in use today, some that provide simple data structures for records, such as Redis and MongoDB, are now becoming popular. Building applications out of these complex data types provides a way to communicate intent to the database system without sacrificing flexibility or committing to a fixed schema. Currently this capability is leveraged in limited ways, such as to ensure related values are co-located, or for atomic updates. There are many ways data types can be used to make databases more efficient that are not yet being exploited. We explore several ways of leveraging abstract data type (ADT) semantics in databases, focusing primarily on commutativity. Using a Twitter clone as a case study, we show that using commutativity can reduce transaction abort rates for high-contention, update-heavy workloads that arise in real social networks. We conclude that ADTs are a good abstraction for database records, providing a safe and expressive programming model with ample opportunities for optimization, making databases more safe and scalable.
2014 October |
Customizable and Extensible Deployment for Mobile/Cloud Applications.
Proceedings of the USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI). abstract pdf talk code
Modern applications face new challenges in managing today's highly distributed and heterogeneous environment. For example, they must stitch together code that crosses smartphones, tablets, personal devices, and cloud services, connected by variable wide-area networks, such as WiFi and 4G. This paper describes Sapphire, a distributed programming platform that simplifies the programming of today's mobile/cloud applications. Sapphire's key design feature is its distributed runtime system, which supports a flexible and extensible deployment layer for solving complex distributed systems tasks, such as fault-tolerance, code-offloading, and caching. Rather than writing distributed systems code, programmers choose deployment managers that extend Sapphire's kernel to meet their applications' deployment requirements. In this way, each application runs on an underlying platform that is customized for its own distribution needs.
2014 October |
Arrakis: The Operating System is the Control Plane.
Proceedings of the USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI). Best Paper Award. abstract pdf talk code
Recent device hardware trends enable a new approach to the design of network server operating systems. In a traditional operating system, the kernel mediates access to device hardware by server applications, to enforce process isolation as well as network and disk security. We have designed and implemented a new operating system, Arrakis, that splits the traditional role of the kernel in two. Applications have direct access to virtualized I/O devices, allowing most I/O operations to skip the kernel entirely, while the kernel is re-engineered to provide network and disk protection without kernel mediation of every operation. We describe the hardware and software changes needed to take advantage of this new abstraction, and we illustrate its power by showing 2-5x end-to-end latency and 9x throughput improvements for a popular persistent NoSQL store relative to a well-tuned Linux implementation.
2014 June |
Towards High-Performance Application-Level Storage Management.
Proceedings of the USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage). abstract pdf
We propose a radical re-architecture of the traditional operating system storage stack to move the kernel off the data path. Leveraging virtualized I/O hardware for disk and flash storage, most read and write I/O operations go directly to application code. The kernel dynamically allocates extents, manages the virtual to physical binding, and performs name translation. The benefit is to dramatically reduce the CPU overhead of storage operations while improving application flexibility.
2013 June |
Optimizing VM Checkpointing for Restore Performance in VMware ESXi.
Proceedings of the USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC). abstract pdf talk
Cloud providers are increasingly looking to use virtual machine checkpointing for new applications beyond fault tolerance. Existing checkpointing systems designed for fault tolerance only optimize for saving checkpointed state, so they cannot support these new applications, which require efficient restore. Improving restore performance requires a predictive technique to reduce the number of disk accesses to bring in the VM's memory on restore. However, complex VM workloads can diverge at any time due to external inputs, background processes and timing variances, so predicting which pages the VM will access on restore to reduce faults to disk is impossible. Instead, we focus on a technique for predicting which pages the VM will access together on restore to improve the efficiency of disk accesses. To reduce the number of faults to disk on restore, we group memory pages likely to be accessed together into locality blocks. On each fault, we can load a block of pages that are likely to be accessed with the faulting page, eliminating future faults and increasing disk efficiency. We implement support for locality blocks, along with several other optimizations, in a new checkpointing system for VMware ESXi Server called Halite. Our experiments show that Halite reduces restore overhead by up to 94\% even for complex VM workloads.
2011 March |
Fast Restore of Checkpointed Memory Using Working Set Estimation.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE). abstract pdf
In order to make save and restore features practical, saved virtual machines (VMs) must be able to quickly restore to normal operation. Unfortunately, fetching a saved memory image from persistent storage can be slow, especially as VMs grow in memory size. One possible solution for reducing this time is to lazily restore memory after the VM starts. However, accesses to unrestored memory after the VM starts can degrade performance, sometimes rendering the VM unusable for even longer. Existing performance metrics do not account for performance degradation after the VM starts, making it difficult to compare lazily restoring memory against other approaches. In this paper, we propose both a better metric for evaluating the performance of different restore techniques and a better scheme for restoring saved VMs. Existing performance metrics do not reflect what is really important to the user -- the time until the VM returns to normal operation. We introduce the time-to-responsiveness metric, which better characterizes user experience while restoring a saved VM by measuring the time until there is no longer a noticeable performance impact on the restoring VM. We propose a new lazy restore technique, called working set restore, that minimizes performance degradation after the VM starts by prefetching the working set. We also introduce a novel working set estimator based on memory tracing that we use to test working set restore, along with an estimator that uses access-bit scanning. We show that working set restore can improve the performance of restoring a saved VM by more than 89% for some workloads.
2010 October |
Transactional Consistency and Automatic Management in an Application Data Cache.
Proceedings of the USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI). abstract pdf talk
Distributed in-memory application data caches like memcached are a popular solution for scaling database-driven web sites. These systems are easy to add to existing deployments, and increase performance significantly by reducing load on both the database and application servers. Unfortunately, such caches do not integrate well with the database or the application. They cannot maintain transactional consistency across the entire system, violating the isolation properties of the underlying database. They leave the application responsible for locating data in the cache and keeping it up to date, a frequent source of application complexity and programming errors. Addressing both of these problems, we introduce a transactional cache, TxCache, with a simple programming model. TxCache ensures that any data seen within a transaction, whether it comes from the cache or the database, reflects a slightly stale but consistent snapshot of the database. TxCache makes it easy to add caching to an application by simply designating functions as cacheable; it automatically caches their results, and invalidates the cached data as the underlying database changes. Our experiments found that adding TxCache increased the throughput of a web application by up to 5.2x, only slightly less than a non-transactional cache, showing that consistency does not have to come at the price of performance.
2009 June |
Efficient File Distribution in a Flexible, Wide-Area File System.
Master's thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. abstract pdf
WheelFS is a wide-area distributed file system designed to help applications cope with the challenges of sharing data over the wide-area network. A wide range of applications can use WheelFS as a storage layer because applications can control various trade-offs in WheelFS, such as consistency versus availability, using semantic cues. One key feature that many applications require from any storage system is efficient file distribution. The storage system needs to be able to serve files quickly, even large or popular ones, and allow users and applications to quickly browse files. Wide-area links with high latency and low throughput make achieving these goals difficult for most distributed storage systems. This thesis explores using prefetching, a traditional file system optimization technique, in wide-area file systems for more efficient file distribution. This thesis focuses on Tread, a prefetcher for WheelFS. Tread includes several types of prefetching to improve the performance of reading files and directories in WheelFS: read-ahead prefetching, whole file prefetching, directory prefetching and a prefetching optimization for WheelFS's built-in cooperative caching. To make the best use of scarce wide-area resources, Tread adaptively rate-limits prefetching and gives applications control over what and how prefetching is done using WheelFS's semantic cues. Experiments show that Tread can reduce the time to read a 10MB file in WheelFS by 40% and the time to list a directory with 100 entries by more than 80%. In addition, experiments on Planetlab show that using prefetching with cooperative caching to distribute a 10MB file to 270 clients reduces the average latency for each client to read the file by almost 45%
2009 April |
Flexible, Wide-Area Storage for Distributed Systems with WheelFS.
Proceedings of the USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI). abstract pdf talk
WheelFS is a wide-area distributed storage system intended to help multi-site applications share data and gain fault tolerance. WheelFS takes the form of a distributed file system with a familiar POSIX interface. Its design allows applications to adjust the tradeoff between prompt visibility of updates from other sites and the ability for sites to operate independently despite failures and long delays. WheelFS allows these adjustments via semantic cues, which provide application control over consistency, failure handling, and file and replica placement. WheelFS is implemented as a user-level file system and is deployed on PlanetLab and Emulab. Three applications (a distributed Web cache, an email service and large file distribution) demonstrate that WheelFS's file system interface simplifies construction of distributed applications by allowing reuse of existing software. These applications would perform poorly with the strict semantics implied by a traditional file system interface, but by providing cues to WheelFS they are able to achieve good performance. Measurements show that applications built on WheelFS deliver comparable performance to services such as CoralCDN and BitTorrent that use specialized wide-area storage systems.